Great Foods For For Healthy And Shiny Hair

Wonderful, lavish thick hair is a symbol well-being of your body. Keep in mind that hair care and maintenance goes just beyond oiling them with exotic oils as well as using shampoos conditioners and other products from your beauty arsenal. Apart from this, what you eat can make your tresses better or worsen their condition. In this post, we have provided a list of 5 foods you must add add to your diet for the healthy hair.

1) Fish
Those fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids have amazing beauty benefits, for example, glowing skin and shiny strands. Do you know about 3% of the hair shaft is made up of omega-3 fatty acids? They are found in cell membranes in your scalp as well as in the natural oils that keep both your scalp and hair hydrated. Also, when you are low on healthy fats, then your hair begins to lose its natural shine and Salmon fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids that feed the oil gland around hair follicles, and helping lubricate hair for added luster.

2) Chicken And Eggs
Dieticians and physical trainers always say that to increase our protein intake, we must have eggs and chicken. Hairs are composed of protein. Consuming chicken and eggs surely encourages hair growth and curbs hair fall. In addition to this, the eggs are full of vitamins from the B-group, particularly B12 and B7.On the other hand, Chicken is a great source of protein as well as it helps strengthen breakable hair. These days you can buy chicken online as there plenty of online mutton shops are providing fresh chicken home delivery Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, etc.


3)Pumpkin Seeds
These seeds are packed with zinc, vitamins A and K as well as omega-3 fatty acids. All these are extremely necessary to building a healthy hair shaft. Apart from this, they are rich in vitamin C and fatty acids, which are essential for producing sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands) your skin’s natural oil to protect skin.

4) Oysters
They are saltwater and delicacies do wonders for your hair, nails and skin. Oysters are a great source of dietary zinc, which is necessary for the growth and function of skin cells. Besides, if you go out and order oysters (suppose 6 in quantity), then it will provide you about 500% of your daily needs.

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